Saturday, October 25, 2008

Life is Crazy!

So probably you all stop looking at my blog because I haven't updated it in forever and your probably thinking that we have died or something, but life is busy so forgive me on not blogging. Well to get you caught up about us, I have been working two jobs one for the autistic kid in the afternoon and the other I have been working at an elementary school teaching a child sign language because he is losing his hearing. I have been in and out of the doctors because of my health and I am having surgery on Monday for my endometriosis. Steven has been busy with his job at GoDaddy and is trying to get on with Boeing. He has officially become a cowboy. Thanks dad! My husband a while ago didn't even like to go near horses has now gone on an overnight outing with my dad, Nick and a few of my dad's friends. They had a great time. Here are only a few pics from their trip. It will be neat when my brother gets home from his mission and they can go on rides together.

We are going on the walk to cure diabetes soon and we got our shirts for our dogs and we just had to try them on. They look so funny in them.

It is almost November which means, our 5th Anniversary. Can you believe it because I can't it seems like yesterday that we were married. It's crazy how life has changed for us in these past five years.


Sarah... said...

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!! Time just flies right on by, doesn't it?

Your dogs are adorable! HaHa That's too cool.

I think it's hilarious that your dad had turned Steve into a cowboy!

Sarah... said...
